Photo of the Massachusetts State House in January 2019 courtesy of AP.
For the 193rd session, I serve as the Vice Chair of Municipalities and continue to serve on Transportation and Health Care Financing. A description of the Committees is below along with a link to the bills before each.
Joint Committee on Municipalities and Regional Government
It shall be the duty of the committee on Municipalities and Regional Government to consider matters seeking the enactment of special laws for a city or town, the establishment of economic, district and local planning commissions, rent control and zoning, and matters concerning the various counties, former counties and regional government entities, including the salaries and tenure of employees, registers of deeds and sheriffs (but excluding the retirement of such employees) and such other matters as may be referred.
Joint Committee on Health Care Financing
It shall be the duty of the committee on Health Care Financing to consider all matters concerning the direct funding of health care programs and any other Medicaid or public health assistance matters, fiscal matters relating to health care policy, Medicaid, MassHealth, the Uncompensated Care Pool and such other matters as may be referred.
Joint Committee on Transportation
It shall be the duty of the committee on Transportation to consider all matters concerning the development, operation, regulation and control of all means of transportation in the air, on land or in the water, the imposition of tolls on tunnels or bridges and such other matters as may be referred.