These are the bills I have filed to protect civil rights and democracy. There are many others that I have cosponsored. Please click on the bill name to read the full text.
An Act relative to LGBTQ+ Veterans Day
This bill mandates the governor to annually issue a proclamation declaring September 20th as LGBTQ+ Veterans Day. The day will honor LGBTQ+ veterans who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces. The proclamation will encourage observance of the day by the people. It aims to celebrate the contributions of LGBTQ+ veterans throughout history. Filed with Rep. Montano.
An Act relative to supporting local journalism
This bill introduces several tax credits to support local newspapers and media. It provides a subscription credit for individuals who pay for local newspaper subscriptions, capped at $250 per year. It also offers a payroll credit for eligible local newspaper publishers who pay local news journalists, and a credit for small businesses advertising in local media. These credits are designed to support local journalism and media within specified limitations and timeframes.
An Act promoting responsible investment
This bill mandates that the Public Fund divest from all investments in entities involved with weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) within 12 months. The Public Fund must identify, report, and sell any such investments, and amend policies to prevent future WMD-related investments. It provides indemnification for those involved in the divestment process and requires state agencies to review and terminate contracts with WMD entities. The Public Fund must file annual reports on actions taken to comply with this act. Filed with Rep. Montano.