These are the bills I have filed regarding public health. There are many others that I have cosponsored. Please click on the bill name to see the full text.


An Act Relative to Safe Reporting

This bill amends Chapter 94C to protect individuals who report a crime in good faith from prosecution for certain offenses, such as drug possession or solicitation, if the evidence for those offenses arises from their crime report. The protection extends to violations of probation, pretrial release, or parole conditions. If a victim or witness withdraws cooperation with law enforcement, they still retain immunity from charges for the aforementioned offenses. The bill ensures immunity applies regardless of whether the reported crime results in prosecution or conviction. Filed with Rep. Higgins.

An Act relative to archaic laws

This bill establishes a permanent Law Revision Commission to review and recommend updates to Massachusetts laws, focusing on eliminating outdated or inequitable statutes. It includes members from various legal and public sectors and mandates regular meetings and annual reports. The bill also makes several amendments and repeals to chapters concerning criminal offenses, including the decriminalization of certain actions under Chapter 272. The commission’s purpose is to ensure the law evolves to meet modern needs and remains accessible. Filed with Rep. Livingstone.

An Act relative to the right to wear personal protective medical equipment

This bill prohibits discrimination or penalties against individuals wearing necessary personal protective medical equipment (PPE), such as masks and gloves. It defines discrimination to include denial of service, eviction, termination, or pressure to stop wearing PPE. The bill also allows for temporary removal of PPE at security checkpoints or when requested by law enforcement for identification purposes. Its aim is to ensure individuals can wear protective equipment without facing negative consequences.

An Act relative to creating a voluntary do-not-sell list

This bill establishes a voluntary "do-not-sell" firearms list managed by the Department of Criminal Justice Information Services, where individuals can voluntarily register to be prohibited from purchasing, renting, or possessing firearms. It outlines procedures for registration, deregistration, and confidentiality, ensuring the information is not disclosed except to law enforcement. Upon registration or deregistration, notifications will be sent to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System. The bill also includes a public awareness campaign about this voluntary list.

An Act to create equitable approaches to public health

This bill establishes a grant program under the Executive Office of Health and Human Services to support non-law-enforcement, community-based responses to emergency calls. The program aims to enhance mental and physical well-being, prevent violence, and reduce reliance on law enforcement. Eligible partnerships can receive grants for planning, staffing, and service interventions, and must submit annual reports on project outcomes. The bill also mandates evaluations of the program's effectiveness and its impact on public health and law enforcement.

An Act establishing a commission to study a statewide credentialing program for digital navigators

This bill establishes the Massachusetts Digital Navigation Commission to address digital access inequities by recruiting and implementing digital navigators. The commission will study how digital navigation services can improve health and quality of life, funding methods, and the creation of a statewide credentialing program. It will also collect data on regional initiatives and make recommendations, including potential legislation. The commission is required to submit a report with recommendations within one year.

An Act protecting children from harmful diet pills and muscle-building supplements

This bill regulates the sale of over-the-counter diet pills and dietary supplements for weight loss or muscle building. It prohibits selling such products to individuals under 18, requires retail establishments to restrict access, and mandates age verification for delivery sales. Retailers and delivery sellers must take steps to ensure products are only sold to adults and maintain appropriate identification and shipping methods. Violations can result in injunctions and civil penalties of up to $1,000.

An Act to promote the health and safety of people in the sex trade

This bill amends Massachusetts laws to redefine "commercial sex" and "sex worker," and removes outdated references to "common street walkers" in prostitution laws. It strengthens penalties for trafficking individuals for sexual servitude, including life imprisonment for trafficking minors. The bill also allows expungement of records related to marijuana and prostitution offenses and mandates the release of prisoners serving sentences for expunged offenses. Additionally, it requires that employment applications do not discriminate against individuals with expunged records.

An Act to ensure the responsible use of advanced robotic technologies

This bill prohibits the manufacture, possession, and use of robotic devices equipped with weapons, with severe penalties for violations. It outlines specific exceptions, including for defense, law enforcement, and approved educational purposes. Law enforcement must obtain a warrant for certain uses of robotic devices, and agencies must publicly document and report their use. The bill also allows civil actions for damages resulting from violations and mandates regulatory oversight by the Attorney General and the Executive Office of Public Safety.