These are the transportation-related bill that I have filed this session. I have also cosponsored many transportation-related bills. Please click on the bill name to view the full text.
An Act relative to an interstate compact for western MA rail service
This bill authorizes the Secretary of Transportation to negotiate compacts with Connecticut, New York, and Vermont to establish permanent commuter rail services connecting several cities in New England and beyond. The plan includes routes between New Haven and Brattleboro, and Worcester and Albany, with various stops in Massachusetts. The compact also explores the extension of existing rail programs and promotes connectivity to key cities. The policy emphasizes cooperation among states to ensure the success of the commuter rail services.
An Act relative to improved headlight safety
This bill mandates that all new automobiles sold in the Commonwealth after January 1, 2028, must be equipped with adaptive beam headlight technology. This requirement aligns with the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 108. The technology is authorized by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The bill aims to improve vehicle safety on the roads.
An Act relative to an ADA paratransit program riders' bill of rights
This bill requires public transit agencies that provide paratransit services to establish a riders' bill of rights for individuals with disabilities. It outlines specific rights, including safety, reliable service, non-discrimination, and the right to appeal decisions. The bill mandates that the riders' bill of rights be prominently displayed on agency websites and printed materials. The provisions will take effect on January 1, 2027.